The Original Hummingbird Swing
    In a far away land called Menifee, California by the brilliant mind of a man named William O. Sloan. Some called him Bill, most called him crazy, I of course called him Papa; and hummingbirds you see, well, they called him a hero. The first man to ever successfully read the mind of a hummingbird. Upon his amazing imagination and creativity the first hummingbird swing is born. A true American providing health, wealth and the pursuit of happiness to all hummingbirds and humanity alike. This is a tribute to the Sloan legacy. We salute you.

    Address:     35434 Yucaipa Blvd. Yucaipa, CA 92399
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    Phone:    (909) 790-2411    FAX:    



    How do I attract hummingbirds?
    While Hummingbirds are inquisitive by nature, they will most likely not use your Hummingbird Swing unless they are attracted to the area to begin with. To accomplish this, establish a habitat that provides your hummingbird food, shelter and security. 
    • Hummingbird Feeders
      It is best to place feeders out in the open where hummingbirds can easily locate. Try to keep the feeder out of direct sunlight and/or excessive wind. This helps protect the hummingbirds and preserve the feeder/nectar.
    • Flowering Plants There are many different types of greenery that attract hummingbirds, ranging from trees and shrubs to flowers and plants. It is recommended that you consult your local nursery for suggestions specific to your climate and area. Additionally see these 13 nectar-rich flowers .
      (See an extensive list of hummingbird plants below)
    • Pesticides Using pesticides also eliminates the small insects that hummingbirds rely upon for protein. Hummingbirds might also ingest these pesticides which could potentially harm them.
    Where should I place my swing?
    The best place to hang your swing is in an open area near a food source. Hummingbirds like to perch on the swings and watch over their territory (nearby feeders or flowering plants). Try to keep your swing at the same height or slightly higher than your feeder in an area that overlooks any nectar-rich flowers/plants. 

    Hummingbirds won’t visit my house.
    Have you already hung a feeder or planted some of the plants mentioned above? If you have just recently done so, give it some time. It is estimated that not a single square meter in the U.S. goes unchecked by hummingbirds in a given year. Eventually a hummingbird will come and investigate. Give it a full year from the time you first hung your feeder and if you still don’t see any hummingbirds, try moving it to a more open location or closer to your hummingbird-friendly plants. Additionally, visit The Hummingbird Website to see when hummingbirds are likely to be in your area due to migration. 

    Hummingbirds use my feeder but they won’t use my swing.
    Are there other small birds using the swing or occupying the area nearby, this could cause a territorial dispute, in which case try moving your swing/feeder elsewhere. Also, pay attention to where your hummingbird goes after he feeds. Does he fly to a nearby tree and perch on a twig? If so, try moving your swing to that general area. Sometimes if a hummingbird already has an area he favors as a perching spot it may be hard to break out of that routine. 


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