Reimer's Nurseries
Wholesale grower of Magnolias, Beech, Maples and Dogwoods
Welcome to Reimer’s Nurseries Ltd., a wholesale tree nursery with locations in Chilliwack, British Columbia and Lynden, Washington, USA. Our specialty lies in growing magnolias, beech, Japanese maples, and dogwoods. We pride ourselves in producing quality trees at reasonable prices. We are experienced field growers producing most of our plants as balled and burlapped, but are making the transition to provide all of our products in containers for our retail customers.

Reimer’s Nurseries Ltd. was started by Nickolai Reimer in 1937 by growing a few fruit trees. Now, four generations later, Reimer’s Nurseries is a wholesale field and container grower of beech, deciduous magnolias, Japanese maples, dogwoods and other outstanding woody ornamentals. Our customers include rewholesalers, landscapers, garden centers, and growers. Located in Chilliwack, BC and Lynden, WA for Canadian and U.S. sales. Great quality, reasonably priced because plants grow better on the “Wet” Coast! Proud user of Rootmaker® pots.
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