Fresh Brands

pure essentials ...products that enhance your life and become essential  
INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS FOR THE BACKYARD -- We are an entrepreneurial product development company, established to market innovative products. Our staff consists of interior designers, industrial designers, and consumer product marketers. Our products proudly carry our brand stamp of quality.

We excite the product categories that we participate in! Each product is the result of thoughtful development, with the end goal of delivering fun, functional, and fabulous products. Our products are INSPIRING - they enhance your day! Our products are FUNCTIONAL - they provide appropriate usefulness! Our products are INNOVATIVE - they solve problems in new ways!

Fresh Brands also provides our experience, resources and skills on a consulting - based arrangement for your use. We work on behalf of clients who seek their own proprietary designs and products on an exclusive basis. Visit our Custom Development section to find out more.

Address:   74 Chesterfield Dr Noblesville, IN 46060
Contact:   KEVIN CASTLE, President
Phone:  937.532.6960   FAX: 


Our Showcase:  Invites / Promotions / Product Catalogs / Sales & Marketing Support


           The Lawn & Garden Marketing Association "Green Marketing" programs -- Plan for Success at Events  /  Stay Connected Year Round
           Contact LGMA to Showcase New Products / Catalogs / Seasonal Promotions ---