Full Circle

Nature's Original Plant Food® is the ideal soil probiotic and conditioner.
Full Circle is a beneficial microbial soil inoculant and natural nutrient fertilizer. Using Full Circle is the best way to grow plants and vegetables without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Ultra safe in your garden or plant containers, feeding your vegetables, improving your turf and shrub health by improving the soil biology. Pet friendly! Safe, easy handling. Safe to use near water features. Perfect 2-in-1 combination of organic plant food and probiotic, beneficial microbes needed to assist uptake at the root zone. Full Circle contains the full compliment of beneficial microbes, essential minerals, nitrogen (4.5%), phosphorus (1.6%), and potassium (3.1%), the highest nutrient percentage compared to our competitors. With our product the higher percentages found in synthetic plant food are unnecessary.

Horticultural specialists (red wigglers) create the secret ingredients your plants, turf, and trees crave for good health. The wigglers bring you this complete and highly consistent probiotic plant food from dairy compost, impossible to get from vegetable or yard waste compost. This is not dehydrated cow manure. It has been composted with silage, aerated to kill pathogens and weed seeds, then fed to our workers. These workers provide exactly what plants need, to thrive without the factory chemicals that have been put into our gardens.

Address:   7806 Summit Dr, Pasadena, MD, 21122
Email:  mbharbold@fullcirclesoil.com     Contact:  
Phone:  410-382-6751   FAX: 


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