Sprinturf (ProGreen)
AMERICAN MANUFACTURED TURF: Sprinturf is the first fully integrated polyethylene turf company in North America
Founded in 1998, and acquired by Integrated Turf Solutions in 2010, Sprinturf leads the market in manufacturing and product innovation out of its two U.S. manufacturing plants. In the Dadeville, Alabama, facility, machines extrude the full range of polyethylene, polypropylene and nylon yarn. The Chatsworth, Georgia, plant houses the tufting and urethane coating operations for Sprinturf. All of our products are installed by experienced in-house crews. Sprinturf is the only company in North America that extrudes 100% of its fibers at its own manufacturing facilities. We’ve completed more than 3,000 turf installations worldwide without a single fiber failure since 2010. Why? Because there have been zero fiber failures in any of our products in that time.
Sprinturf produces high-quality, 100% percent American-made synthetic turf systems for any level of sports competition.

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