Rademann Stone & Landscape
Quarrier and Producer of Natural Stone Products
Founded and located in an area where the natural ground material is limestone for miles deep, Rademann Stone & Landscape Co., Inc. is a family-owned company that take's pride in quarrying and producing building stone, cut stone, and landscape stone for dealers throughout the Midwest . Our expertise in the stone business dates back to the 1940's where our craftsmen, then and now, still quarry the Niagara Dolomite vein - commonly called the Niagara Escarpment or locally speaking “The Ledge”.
Throughout Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and the Midwest, "Rademann" & "Stone" are synonymous.
The Niagara Escarpment stretches a total of 230 miles in Wisconsin and continues northeast as an underwater and subsurface feature, bending through the Great Lakes and resurfacing 500 miles later at Niagara Falls . It may be easier to visualize the escarpment as being a giant saucer, with one edge exposed in eastern Wisconsin and the other in western New York

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