Double-Bar Pine Nursery
Conifers, Ornamental & Shade trees since 1969.
Double Bar Pine Nursery and Tree Farm Inc. was started in 1961 when we planted 50,000 scotch and Austrian pine seedlings. In the beginning we were primarily in the Christmas Tree business. In 1969 we dug our first wholesale balled and burlaped pine tree. In 1979 we dug our first deciduous trees. The nursery was incorporated in 1980.

We currently grow 250 acres of pine trees, mostly Austrian, ponderosa, white pine and blue spruce. We have 80 acres of deciduous trees of various varieties. Our soil is a real heavy clay that makes a very solid ball and transplants well. We custom order dig exclusively. We invite you to come visit our nursery and tag your own trees at no additional charge.
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