Casella Organics

Beneficial use and recycling of organic and mineral resources.  
Casella transforms organic waste streams (over 400,000 tons annually) including food scraps, wood ash, paper mill by-products and biosolids into nutrient rich earthlife® soil amendments and renewable energy. We believe that innovation, skill, and a measure of creative thinking are an important part of managing a broad range of solid waste challenges. That's why we are constantly evaluating new technologies and services to manage society's residual waste streams including sludge, paper fiber, ash and food processing byproducts.

Innovative Resource Solutions --- We believe that innovation, skill, and a measure of creative thinking are an important part of managing a broad range of solid waste challenges. That’s why we are constantly evaluating new technologies and services to manage society’s residual waste streams.

Address:     135 Presumpscot St, Unit #1 Portland, ME 04103
Email:        Contact:  
Phone:    (207) 347-3600   FAX: 


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