Monterey Bay Nursery
We grow on 50 beautiful acres in northern Monterey County, and list about 1000 varieties of plants at any given time.
We are wholesale only growers of container ornamentals and color crops. We do not sell directly to end consumers at this time. Our products are almost all sold in quart to 7g containers. Our primary customers are independent retail nurseries. We also sell to landscapers, growers, and brokers. If you are a valid customer outside California, we now have the capability to ship our quarts nationwide. Contact our office for details. We have about 50 acres in production on two facilities in northern Monterey County, both near the town of Aromas. We currently have six sales representatives and serve most of California as well as the Tahoe area. About the only areas we don't cover are the Modoc Plateau and the desert.

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