Rivers Edge Products

Outdoor and horse / western enthusiast.  
The premier source for innovative and exciting gift, decor, and novelty items for the outdoor and horse / western enthusiast. At River's Edge, we're passionate about our role in providing innovative and unique gifts for the outdoor enthusiast. We take pride in our pledge of supplying both quality products and superior customer service with integrity and honesty.

Our home décor merchandise and unique gifts are designed and developed for lovers of the great outdoors. Our products are for individuals who are proud to decorate their homes, cabins, lake houses and anyplace else they want to display their love for outdoor-related activities.

Address:     One River's Edge Court St. Clair, MO 63077
Email:    info@riversedgeproducts.com     Contact:  
Phone:    888-326-6200   FAX:  636-629-7557


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