Buy Sod
Specialize in providing high quality turfgrass at affordable price .
At Buy Sod, we strive to provide quality, certified turf at an affordable price through out the Carolina's and Virginia. We strive every day to make sure every delivery shows up on time as promised. At the farm level, we demand all turf to be cut within Buy Sod stipulated guidelines because we want to deliver our customers a product where they have the best opportunity for success. We strive to have the friendliest, most up front customer service representatives so we can help you solve your problems as quickly as possible. We are constantly looking at more efficient ways at farming our product as well as staying in front of proven turf research organizations so we can be the first to offer product lines that are of value. Buy Sod, INC has over 9 different sod farms spanning NC, SC and Virginia. With thousands of production acres, we are the largest grower of turfgrass in the Carolina's.

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