Transplant Nursery
Native and Evergreen Azaleas, Rhododendrons, and companion plants.
Transplant Nursery specializes in native and evergreen azaleas, rhododendrons and companion plants. We grow the latest and greatest cultivars as well as tried and true favorites. Our offerings include the Maid in the Shade collection, the Southern Living Southgate Rhododendron collection, the Endless Summer hydrangea collection, and the Plant Introductions, Inc. collection as well as old favorites such as 'Roseum Elegans' and 'Nova Zembla'.

Our Nursery is heavily weighted with camellias, kalmias and pieris - companion shade lovers to our rhododendrons. But we offer a little bit of just about everything from Abelia x grandiflora to Zenobia pulverulenta, including hollies and an arborvitae.
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