6,000 greenkeepers and turf professionals.  
The British and International Golf Greenkeepers Association (BIGGA) was created in January 1987 due to an amalgamation of the British Golf Greenkeepers Association, The English and International Golf Greenkeepers Association and The Scottish and International Golf Greenkeepers Association. Today BIGGA has around 6,000 greenkeepers and turf professionals as members, and membership is on an annual basis.

BIGGA divides the UK into five Regions: Northern, Midland, South East, South West & South Wales and Scotland & Northern Ireland. Each Region, which is covered by either a part-time or full-time administrator, is then divided into Sections. There are currently 26 Sections each with its own committee responsible for organising events for Section members and administration on behalf of the Association. The major policy making body is the National Board of Management comprising the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Past Chairman together with one nominated representative from each of the five Regions and two Guardians.

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