Greenville Planters
indoor and outdoor planters and pots.
Greenville Planters is a Mississauga, Ontario based Canadian supplier of high quality large and medium indoor and outdoor planters and pots. These large fiberglass and galvanized steel planters and pots are increasingly being used in landscape designs for all kinds of applications including commercial, institutional, and residential settings. We ship to all locations in Canada with no minimum size order. Our aim is to partner with landscape contractors, landscape s, architects, interiorscapers, real estate developers, builders, and others to add value to their offerings for their customers. While our planters are not sold at retail, we do sell directly to the public from time to time. After four years in this business we are pleased to say that virtually all of our feedback has been very positive. The professional landscape community has embraced our modern designs and wide selection of colours. No matter where you may be located in Canada, we feel confident that it will be worth your time to see how we can provide you with these exciting products.

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