Pineneedle Farms
We specialize in 'native' species.
At Richardson's Pineneedle Farms, we are second-generation tree seedling growers, and Paul Richardson has been around the tree business his entire life. We specialize in 'native' species although you will find lots of other plants, tree seedlings, shrubs and trees here on our site. Most of our plants are field grown and are available bare-root in the spring and fall.
Our evergreens are available in bare-root seedlings or transplants, plus we have container-grown seedlings. Wire-basket evergreen specimen trees are also available and are fresh-dug per order. Deciduous tree seedlings are graded by size(s) for your convenience. As each customer has different needs, you can select the sizing that suits your specific application. We offer various Poplars and Willows mostly from cuttings. Our whips and lightly branched bare-root trees are available here at the nursery in spring from April to the end of May, and some varieties are available again in the fall after dormancy in October. When purchasing these larger bare-root trees or fruit trees, you may want to purchase tree protectors as well.

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