Bulbs are our business from START to FINISH .... Selection – Solutions – Innovation  
    Since early 1970 ABBOTT-IPCO has served the Horticulture industry as an International source of caladium bulbs, imported Holland bulbs, perennials, and many other new and unique products for the greenhouse industry, garden center, and landscaper. We are the world's leader in production and distribution of caladium bulbs offering the widest selection including many new variety introductions'.with many more to come!

    ABBOTT-IPCO EUROPE facilitates all import and export activities, with an emphasis on specialty bulb crops and perennials. Our attention to detail and customer service is widely known and respected. See how we can work together to improve your business.

    Address:     PO Box 551329, Dallas, TX 75355
    Email:    sales@abbott-ipco.com
    Phone:    800-525-1379   FAX: 


    • Why you should choose Abbott-Ipco

      Plants are a major part of the planet's filtration system, so being able to supply both people and companies with products that will be able help the planet is one of the best rewards for what we do.

      Being in the horticulture industry and not only being suppliers of plant bulbs, but also growers gives us an opportunity to be aware of and careful about our practices, so that the footprint we are leaving to be cleaned up by the planet is very minimal. 


      Abbott-Ipco is one of the world's largest suppliers for plant bulbs and other horticultural supplies. We are known for our vast species and variety options, along with our other supplies.

      You name it, we supply it. Either directly or through one of our curated partners or vendors. We go through an extensive process when we choose our partners and vendors, to ensure that they share the ideals of Abbott-Ipco.


      We are constantly adapting and perfecting new and unique varieties of several of the species that we offer. We are constantly curating new varieties to be more superior in performance, resistant to disease and insects, tolerant to heat and able to survive in wider geographic areas.


      We are also always on the look out for new, useful products to offer that will help all of our customers, from the big box stores to the home gardeners.


      Healthy bulbs make healthy plants.

      ALL of our bulbs are tested for disease and tissue cultured to produce extremely, vigorous and vibrant plants. If you start with healthy and strong bulbs, you will end up with the healthiest, strongest and most vibrant plant possible.

    • Plan Your Spring Garden in the Fall

      Tulips, Hyacinths and Daffodils

      Flowering Season

      Mid-March to Mid-May, depending on local weather conditions.

      Height Range

      6 inches to 3 feet

      Colors and Shape

      Wide selection of colors and shapes.

      Purchase Your Bulbs in the Fall!

      Purchase bulbs that are firm. Buy early to get the best selection.
      The size of the flower is directly related to the size of the bulb.
      Small nicks and loose skins (tunic) do not affect the development of the bulb. Loose tunics enable you to inspect for diseases.
      Keep cool (less than 65°) before planting and provide adequate ventilation to avoid moisture build up.

      Suggested Planting Schedule

      Zones 2 and 3 : September

      Zones 4 and 5 : September – early October

      Zones 6 and 7 : October – early November

      Zone 8 : November – early December

      Zone 9 : early December

      Bulbs may be planted later in the fall than indicated above if planted before frost sets in.

      Spring For Bulb Naturalization

      Fertilize the plants as soon as they emerge (February to March).

      Remove flower organs with scissors after the flower petals fall off.

      Allow the foliage to die naturally!

      When desired, over plant areas with summer annuals.


      Start with healthy bulbs to avoid diseases. Botrytis (Fire) is a major garden disease and is controlled by fungicides, e.g. Benlate, Captan, Dithane, etc.

      If the soil becomes diseased, use Terraclor (PCNB) in the bed before planting bulbs in the fall. Follow label directions.


      Insects are generally not a problem.

      Should aphids appear, they can be controlled with Malathion. Follow label directions.

      Special Note to Landscapers

      (Use of Pre-Emergent Herbicides)

      Use extreme caution when applying pre-emergent herbicides in close proximity to bulb beds. Products such as Ronstar or OHI, Goal and Prowl (Oxfluorfan and Pendamethalin) may cause flower abortion when used on or near Tulip beds.

      If you must use pre-emergent herbicides, we suggest Betasan, Chloramben, Dacthal, Devrinol, Enide, Eptam or Treflan. Keep in mind that many of these products can prove harmful to your bulb beds and should be used with extreme caution. Post-emergent herbicides such as Fusilade or Poast seem to cause less problems and should be considered.

      Please Note: Mention of pesticides, growth regulators etc. are by way of illustration only not an endorsement. The label is the law, therefore growers must follow label directions with all regulated materials. Furthermore, different cultivars respond differently to treatments therefore try a small percentage of your crop before applying a treatment to the entire crop. Mention of one product does not preclude the use or benefit of other similar products. Remember read the label and follow it.


      Miscellaneous Bulbs

      Allium, Anemones, Crocus, Galanthus, Iris, Ranunculus, Scillas, etc...

      Flowering Season

      Mid-February to early July, depending on local weather conditions.

      Height Range

      3 inches to 4 feet

      Colors and Shape

      Wide selection of colors when all species are used.

      Fall Bulb Planting Techniques

      It is essential to plant bulbs in a well drained area. The pH should be 6.0 to 7.0. Bulbs may be used in beds (annuals or perennials), borders, ground covers, rock gardens and wooded areas. For naturalization, it is best to avoid planting them in full sun areas.

      Spring and early summer flowering bulbs must be planted in the fall in order to develop a root system and to satisfy the cold requirement for bulbs. It is best to wait until the soil temperatures are below 60°F before planting.

      Planting Instructions

      Excavate the area to be planted. The depths below are measured from the base of the bulbs to the soil level. Plant small size bulbs 3 inches deep. Plant large size bulbs 5 inches deep. Plant 2 inches deeper in northern climates.

      Plant bulbs at the suggested depth to help protect against frost, animals and physical damage due to hoeing.

      Place bulbs in the bed and space according to size. For eye-catching splashes of color in the bulb garden, be sure to plant the bulbs in cluster rather than in single rows. Large bulbs should be 4” - 6” apart and small bulbs 1” - 2” apart. If desired, interplant.

      Bulbs may be layered, i.e. plant Darwin Hybrid tulips 5 inches deep and crocus directly on top, but only 3 inches deep. The crocus will bloom early in the spring and will be followed by more color later when the Darwin Hybrids bloom. This piece of ground will be in flower for a longer period of time.

      Cover bulbs with soil using only one-half of the soil removed. Water thoroughly. Finish covering bulbs with remaining soil. Fertilize with 9-9-6 Bulb Booster fertilizer at a rate of 4 lbs/100 sq. ft. (1/3-1/2 sq. ft.). Cover the bed with 2” to 3” of mulch.

      If the fall is dry, water area as needed, which also provides additional cooling.


      Potscaping or Container Gardening

      The Moveable Bulb Landscape

      Large containers (redwood tubs, long boxes, whiskey barrels, etc.) have several advantages.


      Flowering containers may be used both indoors and outdoors. They are great for decorating pretty much any room and are great for pops of color at events.

      They are also great to decorate terraces, patios, porches, paved or graveled areas, courtyards, balconies, outdoor staircase landings, the gate or front door. The possibilities are endless.


      Flowering containers may be moved at will and whenever and wherever they are wanted or needed.

      Flowering containers may be removed or the plant may be replaced when the foliage starts dying.

      Weeds rarely pose a problem.

    Proven Winners Heart to Heart Caladiums
    ..... Vibrant & Versatile Heart to Heart™ Caladiums.

    Do you love the tropical look of bold leaves in vibrant colors? Are you struggling to find something unique for your shade garden? Ready to add life to your windowsill with a few new houseplants?

    Heart to Heart™ Caladiums are the answer!

    These lush tropical plants are the perfect way to bring that “vacation vibe” to your deck or patio containers, garden beds and even your living room. Though caladiums traditionally thrive in lower light conditions, newer, more sun tolerant varieties can be grown alongside your favorite Proven Winners annuals like ColorBlaze® coleus, Sunpatiens® impatiens and Sweet Caroline sweet potato vines.

    Heart to Heart Caladiums make unique and bold “thrillers” in container recipes paired with shorter, mounded to trailing plants. A container filled with lush caladiums is an amazing sight to behold. They’re also stunning when planted en masse in garden beds. See all of our caladium recipes

    Depending on the look you’re going for and what kind of lighting conditions you are able to provide, you can choose from Fancy Leaf or Strap Leaf varieties.

    Fancy Leaf Caladiums Are more prone to Shade, while the Strap Leaf Caladiums are more sun loving.

    Classic Canna

    These are the first virus tested perennial Canna's on the market. They love the heat, and will bloom from May to the first frost. The Canna Rhizome growth is very vigorous since they are derived from tissue culture.

    Classic Canna's make great pot programs, from 1.00-Gal up to 3-4 Gallon Planters...

    Derived from TC Stage 3 liners grown and harvested as 1to 2 eye rhizomes.


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