Tri-C Organics
BETTER SOIL. BIGGER ROOTS. Creating products that enhance soil and plant health since 1996.
ri-C Organics provides high-quality soil and root amendments for landscape and gardening. Our goal is to create products that dramatically improve soil and plant health, save water and positively benefit the environment. Soil Amendments -- Tri-C Humate Products: A unique organic soil conditioner. Humate is a unique, highly compressed natural organic humus derived from prehistoric plant vegetation, mined from deposits originally in fresh water. Humate provides depleted soils essential elements and trace minerals necessary for the development of plant life, dramatically improving soil health giving the soil the ability to nurture thriving seeds and plants.
Tri-C Mycorrhizal Products: A variety of beneficial root fungi
What is "mycorrhizae"? These friendly soil fungi are natural microorganisms present in good soil but are often missing in poor soil. They form a relationship with the plant roots and create an extensive network of root filaments, helping the plant absorb more soil nutrients. Mycorrhizal fungi help create better soil structure and permeability, greater nutrient and moisture uptake resulting in faster plant growth, resistance to disease and greater plant diversity.

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