Universal Presentation Concepts (UPC)

At UPC we create more than displays... We create an environment!
UPC has been partnering with businesses to design and manufacture stunning fixtures for over 41 years. Our uncompromised attention to detail, understanding of the consumer product industry and superior craftsmanship have positioned us as a leader in creating unique displays for a variety of industries. This group of proven, successful designs can be easily adapted to display any product without the need for custom design. AdaptablesTM provide our customers with pre-engineered, cost-effective solutions for a multitude of retail applications. Contact us for more detail on this exclusive line offered only by UPC.

Address:   1501 South Stoughton Rd Madison, WI 53716
Email:  sales@upcdisplays.com     Contact:  
Phone:  608.222.5658   FAX:  608.222.3933


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           The Lawn & Garden Marketing Association "Green Marketing" programs -- Plan for Success at Events  /  Stay Connected Year Round
           Contact LGMA to Showcase New Products / Catalogs / Seasonal Promotions --- GoGreen@LawnGardenMarketing.org